Turkey Breadbasket
Want to give the kids something fun to do while helping you decorate for Thanksgiving? If yes, we have some wonderful Thanksgiving Table Decorations to share with you! Read below to learn about them and get the kids involved in making this Thanksgiving amazing!
Plastic Bag Turkey
Make the kids create Turkeys out of plastic bags. You will need the following materials:
-7 colorful plastic bags.
-2 Tiny White pom-poms.
-3 pipe cleaners (one should be red).
– Yellow craft foam.
-Black marker
-Tacky glue
– 1-inch pom-pom.
Read the instructions here.
Turkey Napkin Holder
Make brightly colored turkeys that can be used as napkin holder and be festive at the same time. It will take you 1 hour to make with the kids. Use the following materials to create your turkey napkin holders:
– 5-by-7 inch colorful poster board.
– Craft knife
– Glue stick
– Double-sided Tape
– 2 Googly Eyes
– Red and Yellow construction paper
Read the instructions here.
Turkey Breadbasket
If you enjoy serving bread for your guests, you will love this Turkey Breadbasket. It only takes an hour to create this wonderful craft. You can use it every Thanksgiving.
-Large wooden spoon.
-Tacky glue and a glue stick.
-Pair of googly eyes.
-Pencil Scissors.
-Construction paper of various colors.
-Flat wooden craft spoon.
-Red marker.
-Colorful printed wrapping paper or old magazines.
-Waxed paper.
-Thin wooden skewers.
– Basket that will be the Turkey’s body.
– Florists’ foam or Styrofoam block.
– Cloth dinner napkin.
Read the instructions here.
For more wonderful Thanksgiving crafts, read this article from FamilyFun.go.com.
If you have any questions or want to leave it to the professionals to add some fun for you and the kids, contact the ShadowLand Adventures nearest you by clicking here today!