Online Player Waiver

Release and Waiver Agreement

Participation at ShadowLand involves physical activity. As devoted as we are to your safety, like other physical activities (for example roller skating, skiing, trampolining, and wall climbing), your safety is, in large part, dependent on your attitude and willingness to follow posted rules.   Although not a complete list of rules, two of the most important rules while playing at ShadowLand are :  1) NO RUNNING (defined as a movement faster than walking) and 2) STAY ON YOUR FEET – DO NOT CRAWL OR LAY DOWN.

By signing, I wish to participate and/or I wish my child listed below to participate and I understand that this agreement is between me, the player, and/or parent and/or guardian of the child listed below, and “ShadowLand”, which in this document shall mean collectively:   ShadowLand’s parent companies – Concepts 21, Ltd, and Adventure Concepts, Ltd.,  their owners, officers, employees, directors, and shareholders.

I wish those listed below to participate in the activities that Shadowland offers now and in the future. I agree that whenever we at ShadowLand:

  1. Code of conduct. I/we will play according to the rules. I/we understand that these rules are clearly posted in the reception area and/or in the briefing room and that these rules may also, although not necessarily, be given to me by ShadowLand staff.  I/we will report any injury to ShadowLand management before leaving the premises.

  2. Risk of participation. I/we understand that participation involves physical activity that could result in injury including, but not be limited to: sprains, fractures, scrapes, bruises, cuts, dislocations, and injuries to the face, head, neck, and back.  Risks include contact with other players, contact with game equipment, contact with the arena maze components, falling from heights, and contact with the floor and walls of the arena. I/we assume all risks of injury while at ShadowLand. I/we understand that the arena where the laser game takes place is a large space and that all sections are not, and cannot, be supervised continuously.

  3. Medical and physical problems. Games and adventures at ShadowLand take place in a darkened, carpeted, fog-filled arena with ramps and bridges. Certain medical conditions including asthma, epilepsy, seizure disorder, and pregnancy may be exacerbated or triggered by laser tag. I/we understand this physical activity and the playing area and I/we judge myself suitably fit to take part. I/we further understand that Shadowland employees have difficult jobs to perform and that they are not able to assess my particular physical abilities and medical conditions. They may give incomplete warnings or instructions. Hence, I/we understand that the obligation to assess risks and my ability to safely participate rests solely with me.

  4. Waiver of liability. I/we, for myself and on behalf of my assigns, personal representatives, and family, hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless ShadowLand, its employees, owners, officers, directors, and shareholders from any liability for losses that may arise from my participation in ShadowLand’s activities.

  5. Use of images. ShadowLand may take photos of participants enjoying the experience and use them for publicity and advertising purposes. I/we expressly waive any right of copyright, ownership, or privacy regarding these images and grant ShadowLand the right to use any photos and/or digital reproductions taken of me and my children for use on their website, for their social media sites, or in their print advertising, indefinitely, without payment or any other consideration or compensation.

  6. Indemnity Agreement. I/we hereby agree to indemnify and defend ShadowLand from any claims, demands, damages, or legal suits made by any one or any entity arising out of my activity and/or conduct while at ShadowLand including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of ShadowLand. Should ShadowLand or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur legal fees and/or costs to enforce this agreement, I/we agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such costs and fees.

I/we agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

I/we have read and I/we understand all parts of this agreement and waiver. I/we agree to it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. If I/we am under 18 years old, I/we have discussed the content of this agreement with my parent or legal guardian and have their consent to participate in the activities at ShadowLand.

Review Information

Signer First Name: Signer Last Name: Address: City: State Zip Code Email Minor Participant(s):

* I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child(s) listed above and that the information I completed is correct.

* I am at least 18 years old and I have read and agree to the terms of the waiver agreement.

By typing your name below, you are electronically signing this agreement

Sign Agreement by Typing Your Name *