Game Strategy and Tips (Part Two)

This is the second in a series of tips and tricks geared toward helping you to become an even more skilled player in our arena as possible. If you read through these pointers, you’ll surely learn some thing about our game format that you never knew before… and will soon dominate the field as a result!

Difference Between Game Credits and Score

Would you say that your usual style of play is offensive or defensive? Maybe you’ve never considered it. In that case, you may want to develop more of a strategy to boost your score and come out on top. Part of this is to understand the difference between points and game credits, both of which are important to a victory, but which actually have different meanings.

Points are fairly self-explanatory and are what make up your score at the end of the game. Credits, which are given to you at the beginning of the game, are meant to be spent in an effort to boost your score. You can think of it this way: you start with no score and a lot of credits and should end with a high score and low credits.

Why is this? Because game credits, which are like the in-game currency, can be ‘spent’ on the GEMs for powers and abilities. Not only that, but they can dole out points to those who spend. So, “if you walk out of the arena with 30 credits, that’s a whole lot of points that you could have earned if you’d just found your GEMs and traded them in.” If those points made the difference in the placement of winners, then you might regret not having spent the credits!

Again, the additional incentive is that the GEMs can grant power-ups to players which will improve your game (and score) even more. For example, tagging one of the GEMs might give you a boost to your accuracy, hit ratio, or bonus points. Can you afford to not go after these great extras, particularly when you already have those game credits to spend?

How much of a bonus can you really get by using this virtual currency? Really, you can skyrocket your score by up to 500 points, which is nothing to sneeze at. So, be ‘on the offensive’ when playing and utilize all the resources at your disposal. You’ll be glad that you did when you end up with the winning score!

To play the game yourself and improve your skills with practice, come visit or contact the ShadowLand Adventures nearest you by clicking here today!


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