History of Laser Tag: Revisited

Though we’ve talked before about of the history of laser tag as a recreational activity, we’re going to revisit that foundation here. It’s the reason that ShadowLand exists, after all, and it’s cool to hear about (or so we think)!


The history of laser tag, as you might remember, begins in the 70s and 80s as the United States army created a technology for combat training. So, what began as a serious government training tool has developed into an ultra-fun and family-friendly activity for everyone. It may be a little strange, if you think about it, but you might be surprised to learn that a lot of technology has come far from its original purpose! This same technology that is used in our games (albeit, edited somewhat) is still used within various country’s armed forces for training even today.

So, then, when did they turn this into a game rather than an exercise for soldiers? “The first known toy to use infrared light and a corresponding sensor was manufactured and marketed in 1979 as the Star Trek Electronic Phaser Guns set.” That is, they were inspired by a series that was hugely popular at the time. After that, a man (George Carter III) was inspired by the other major space series, Star Wars, and created a game centered around the phaser technology. The first Photon center opened in 1984, and the game exploded onto the scene from there.

It’s less popular today, but a lot of people back then bought their own versions of the phasers for play at home. Maybe you have played outside of a center, as sometimes you can find the eqiupment for rental from various facilities. Though the 80s may have thought that they saw the end of the fad as that decade faded, they were wrong; laser tag is huge today with major locations opening all over the country (and the world).

What makes the history of laser tag so impressive? It began as an inspired idea based on one or two people’s love for science fiction. Those ideas became toys, and then stores, and now we have ShadowLand, as an example, to continue on the legacy.

Give the experience of laser tag today by visiting or contacting the ShadowLand Laser Adventures nearest you by clicking here! We will be happy to go over the details with you so that we can shape the event to be exactly what you envisioned. Our goal is always customer satisfaction, so take the time to shape this vision with us and we will carry it out without fail.


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