Laser Tag Tips to Make You Better – Improving Your Hit Ratio

At the end of the adventure, a bonus, called “Accuracy”, is given to players based on their “Hit Ratio”.  Your hit ratio is the number of times you tagged something (a player or a GEM) divided by the number of shots that you used.

If you have a 10% hit ratio you receive 10% of your Arena Total points as a bonus.  So let’s say that you have 310 points as your Arena Total and a hit ratio of 10%.  Multiplying your hit ratio by your Arena Total (10% of 310 points) gives you 31 points as an Accuracy bonus.  Adding 31 to 310 gives you a Grand Total of 341 points.  Your rank is based on this Grand Total.  You may have noticed in previous adventures that you had a certain rank on your phaser when leaving the arena but it changed when you received your scorecard.  Because the Accuracy bonus is calculated after the end of the game, you may either increase or drop in ranking if you had a good or poor hit ratio.

Your hit ratio can decide whether you receive the top rank or place second.  So…don’t be trigger happy!  Work on improving your shot and, perhaps, limiting the use of rapid fire.

Contact ShadowLand Adventures for all your laser tag needs by clicking here today!


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