Local News 25 in Frederick Visits Shadowland Laser Adventure

Local News 25 in Frederick profiled us a while back, Shadowland Laser Adventure at the Francis Scott Key Mall! The news team visited Shadowland on black Friday to check us out. The newscaster soon found out that Shadowland Laser Adventure is the place to be!

For about $8 a round, you can enter another dimension and pick your fantasy. Some groups have up to 30-40 people battling each other. With music, fog, and lasers everywhere the newscaster quickly realized that laser tag is a great time. Besides all of these effects, each player also has 40 different audio clues coming out of a suit at any time.

This is truly an experience you’ll have to see for yourself. Usually people come into laser tag thinking it is for children, but the game is for adults as well. The laser packs not only respond to lasers with lights but they also vibrate and make noises. In addition, players have a computer handset that allows them to keep track of it all.

The Shadowland location in Francis Scott Key Mall really enhances the shopping experience.  It expands your trip into a family enjoyment experience because this destination gives adults and children alike an activity to do together.

Shadowland Laser Tag has many locations in the tri-state area: Gaithersburg, Frederick, Columbia, Springfield, Frederick, Alexandria, Chantilly, Maryland. Check out the video here:

To contact Shadowland Laser Tag visit us here!

This entry was posted on Friday, February 18th, 2011 at 2:55 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.