Laser Tag Demographics of Today

Are you at all curious about the kinds of people that play laser tag more than any other? You might think that you know, or that you can make an educated guess about laser tag demographics, but there is certainly more than one type of customer that walks through our doors!

Laser Tag Demographics Are Changing

Laser tag is a game for nearly everyone. It can be used for parties, for team building, for exercise, and more. However, kids’ birthday parties aren’t the only reason that people come to ShadowLand these days. In fact, there has been a change within laser tag demographics as a whole, and in the primary customer to come in for a few rounds of the game.

As an example, consider the young adults of today, the generation often discussed in many different contexts: millennials. You may think that this isn’t an ideal group as the new, rising customer base, but there is a lot to b valued about these young people. Millennials are looking for ‘experiences’ and will spend some money in order to get them. They’ll get together with groups of friends and come in, and at this age where they’re youthful, but without parental supervision, they may be the perfect ‘kind’ of customer.

“Birthday parties are still the primary driver of revenue for laser tag at family entertainment centers. But Millennials represent a huge untapped secondary market.” If you haven’t targeted at least parts of your marketing strategy to this group, then you’re likely missing out on a huge opportunity… and on revenue. They want to partake in these and other “immersive experiences” which “capture their imagination and stimulate their senses.” The rise in video games’ popularity since the 80s and beyond has contributed to this, but simple games on a screen are no longer enough. If they can ‘live’ these games, then they want to have that opportunity.

If you can provide a video game-like experience within your facility, then you will surely capture the hearts of this rising star within laser tag demographics. Don’t forget that millennials are more likely to come in at night, too, so consider some promotions or events during these times to lure bored teens in for a few rounds of laser tag. They may even surprise themselves with how much fun they have!

To come in with your friends for some of the most fun you’ve had in recent history, visit or contact the ShadowLand Adventures nearest you by clicking here today! We will be happy to go over the details with you so that we can shape the event to be exactly what you envisioned. Our goal is always customer satisfaction, so take the time to shape this vision with us and we will carry it out without fail.


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