VIP Club

By providing your email address you’ll get offers exclusive to the ShadowLand VIP Coupon Club – offers that would not otherwise be published or announced.

After entering your email address, you’ll be asked to join as an Individual, as a Group Leader or as a Business Team Leader.

As an Individual (Families are also welcome !) you’ll receive our monthly coupon (for example “$3-off a double-play pass” or “$5-off a triple play pass”) and also coupons for special events (for example “Unlimited $5 adventures on Easter Sunday”)

If you are a Group Leader, sign up to receive coupons for your church, sports team, scout troop, synagogue, summer camp, school or other youth group or organization (for example $25-off if your group spends $200 or more in a group event).

If you are interested in bringing your office or business associates to ShadowLand for teambuilding or to use our meeting rooms, sign up for our Business coupons. We send frequent offers specific to the business community.

Join Our VIP Club


This month new VIP Club members get $3.00 off of a Double Play Adventure -- Join TODAY to qualify for this offer and each offer our members get every month !

Join for FREE!